
For the Kaiserschmarren, mix milk, flour, egg yolks and salt to a smooth batter – beat egg whites with sugar – fold in. Pour the mixture into a greased pan, sprinkle with raisins and allow to set. Turn and let it rise as well. Cut the Kaiserschmarren into pieces.

Marbled Blackberry Mousse

For the marbled blackberry mousse, boil blackberries and strain through a sieve. When cooled, mix with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Whip cream with cream stiffener until creamy. Soak gelatine in cold water, squeeze out and dissolve with lemon juice, then stir quickly into yogurt, fold in whipped cream. Divide yogurt mixture among dessert bowls, … Read more

Roasted Leg of Lamb After Kashmirar

Degrease the leg of lamb properly and score the meat with a kitchen knife. Mix the chopped ginger, crushed garlic cloves and spices with the juice of one lemon. Grate the meat with this mixture and put it into the form. Chop the blanched and peeled pistachios and almond kernels with a blender and mix … Read more

Rum Balls with Pumpkin Seeds

For rum balls with pumpkin seeds, mix the hazelnuts well with powdered sugar. Mix in rum and lemon juice. Stir in melted chocolate and mix well by hand. Also mix in the currant jam (this is to provide a better binding instead of a raw egg and is an additional flavor carrier). With your hand … Read more

Goat Cheese Dressing

Mash goat cheese with a fork, pour in curd cheese and milk, mix well. Now whisk oil into it. Crush pepper with mortar, pit olives and chop finely. Add to the dressing and season with rosemary, thyme, Worcester sauce, salt and freshly ground pepper. Tip: Tastes even better with a finely chopped clove of garlic. … Read more

Caramel Cream

Fill a pan (or other dish) about 1 cm high with water and place soufflé dish in it. Wash the orange, finely grate the peel, squeeze out the juice. Bring granulated sugar, orange juice and water to a boil in a saucepan and cook to a golden brown caramel. Remove saucepan from heat and place … Read more

Tequila Sunrise

For the Tequila Sunrise cocktail, shake all ingredients except for the grenadine with ice in a shaker and strain into a chilled glass. Float briefly with the grenadine.

Wholemeal Pancake with Salmon

For the wholemeal pancake with salmon, first prepare the dough. To do this, knead the flour well with the water and olive oil and a little salt. Let the dough rest for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, halve the leeks and cut them into thin strips. Stir into the cream together with the pressed … Read more

Pancakes Hearty

1. clean the mushrooms, halve the larger ones. Peel onion, dice. Cut bacon diagonally in half. Rinse kitchen herbs. Pluck the thyme leaves. Divide chives into rolls. 2. cook dough according to basic recipe, mix in chives. 3. fry bacon, remove. Sauté onion in lard in frying pan until soft. Add mushrooms, sauté. Season with … Read more

Carrot Muffins

For the carrot muffins, grate the carrots and mix in a bowl with the almonds, sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon. Beat the eggs and then stir them in as well. Finally, sift the flour with the baking powder and add to the carrot mixture. Fill into the frogs and bake at 170 degrees for about 20 … Read more