Cheese Buttons

Rating: 4.8626 / 5.00 (1943 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the cheese dumplings, mix flour, eggs, pinch of salt and enough water in a bowl to make a compact dough. In a large pot, bring enough salted water to a boil.

Using a spaetzle slicer, shape the dough into small dumpling-shaped knöpfle and cook in batches in gently simmering water until each floats to the surface. Lift out knöpfle with a slotted spoon, rinse in cold water, drain and prepare remaining knöpfle.

Grease an ovenproof dish with butter, fill in the Knöpfle alternately with the grated cheese (first layer of Knöpfle, last layer of cheese) and keep warm for a few minutes in the preheated oven.

Meanwhile, heat the clarified butter in a pan and fry the onions cut into strips until golden brown. As soon as the cheese has melted nicely, remove the pan, top the Knöpfle with the golden brown onions and serve. Serve with potato salad or fresh leaf salad.

Preparation Tip:

In the border region to Switzerland, a glass of good, strong white wine is often poured over the Käsknöpfle before they go into the oven. However, a ladle of the cooking water used is also sufficient. That way, they don't get too dry.

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