Orange Cake

Rating: 2.2857 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)



Cover and the decoration:


Bases: marzipan, 100 g sugar and water in a kettle or a Weitling form, gradually add the egg yolks and beat until a light creamy amount.

Add vanilla pulp and orange zest. Whip egg whites to snow and gradually fold in remaining sugar. Sift flour and cornstarch and fold into the whipped marzipan mixture together with the melted butter and the snow. Divide the finished mixture evenly among 7 baking papers and brush with an angled palette to make 26 cm dia. bases. Bake in the oven heated to 220 degrees (convection oven) for 8-10 minutes until the individual bases are light and ready.

Filling: Mix egg yolks with cornstarch and 100 ml orange juice. Soak the gelatine in cold water. Bring sugar to a boil with the remaining orange juice and thicken to a cream with the egg yolk mixture. Finally, stir in Grand Marnier and let the soaked gelatin melt in it. Form a high ring of 26 cm ø around one of the baked bases, spread a little cream on it and then layer alternately bases and cream. Sprinkle a few toasted almond kernels in each layer. Weigh down the inserted cake with a cake slice and put it in the fridge for 12 hours.

Frosting and the decoration: cut the cake out of the ring. Heat the jam and spread it evenly on the surface of the cake. Roll out the marzipan and wrap the cake completely with marzipan

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