Mushroom Meat Kebabs on Paprika Risotto

A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion! Clean the peppers, cut into small cubes. Finely dice the onion. Heat 20 g of fat in a saucepan. Sauté onion and bell bell pepper in it. Add long grain rice, sauté. Fold in paprika pulp, extinguish with 1/2 l water. Add clear soup. Bring to boil and … Read more

Horse Roulade

First rub the insides of the roulades well with salt and pepper, then brush with the mustard and roll a medium gherkin and half an onion into each roulade. Wrap well with a thread. The roulades should be “tight.” Finely dice the remaining onions (about 100g). Prepare a clear soup from the instant clear soup … Read more

Carrot Rösti with Feta and Black Olives

For the carrot rösti with feta and black olives, peel the potatoes and carrots and grate them with a fine grater. Cut the chives into fine rings and mix with the egg, carrots, potatoes and cornflour. Season with salt and pepper. Using a coffee spoon, place the mixture in a hot pan with a little … Read more

Curd Chocolate Cake

For the curd chocolate cake, crumble the cookies and knead with softened butter, press this mass into a cake mold. Spread with jam or Nutella, chill. Whip the cream. Mix the curd with Qimiq until smooth and fold in the whipped cream. Dissolve the gelatine according to instructions and mix with the curd mixture. Spread … Read more

Tai Di Zucca

For Tai di zucca, wash the pumpkin shoots if necessary and cut away from the shoots anything thicker than 1 cm in diameter. You will be left with shoots of about 20 to 30 cm maximum length. You can leave the leaves and the tiny pumpkin flower sprouts, they taste very good! Put 2.5 liters … Read more

Chicken in Roman Pot

Knead well minced meat with bread soaked in milk, salt, pepper, nutmeg, marjoram and garlic. Stuff chicken with it and close well. Put the Roman pot in cold water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, peel and slice onions and carrots. Cut leeks into coarse rings, peel potatoes and garlic. Put the vegetables in the romaine pot, … Read more

Praline Jam with Cranberry Sauce

Whip the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla sugar over steam until warm and then beat until cold. Dissolve the gelatine previously soaked in cold water in a little warmed rum, stir into the egg yolk mixture with the praline mixture and the cocoa liqueur. Beat egg whites with sugar and salt over steam … Read more


Cream room-warm butter with a hand mixer until very fluffy. Beat the yolks with the milk and stir into the butter. Salt the mixture and only at the end carefully fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites mixed with flour. Pour the dough into a buttered and floured baking pan and bake in a preheated … Read more

Ananastorte Mit Crème Fraîche

A cake recipe for all foodies: Flour on a baking board form. Press an indentation in the center. Add egg, sugar and vanilla sugar. Evenly spread cold fat in flakes on top. Quickly knead all ingredients together into a dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and cook for half an hour in the refrigerator. Grease the … Read more